Rebel HR Podcast: Life and Work on Your Terms
Welcome to Rebel HR, Life and Work on Your Terms, the podcast where conformity isn't an option and the only rule is to make your own. Each episode, we'll dive deep into the art of living and working authentically.
Here's what's in store for you:
The essence of living life and approaching work on your own terms
Strategies for crafting your unique path in life and career
Defying Conventions: We discuss how to break free from societal and corporate expectations to carve out a fulfilling life and career.
Psychological Principles of Success: Learn how to apply cutting-edge psychological tactics to revolutionize your approach to success.
Cultural Disruption: Discover actionable steps to drive cultural improvement in the workplace and at home, fostering environments where creativity and authenticity thrive.
System Change: We tackle the big picture, exploring how to initiate systemic change that paves the way for more individual freedom and innovation.
"Rebel. Life and Work on Your Terms" isn't just a podcast – it's your soundtrack to a life less ordinary. Tune in, get inspired, and start living and working like the rebel you are.
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Rebel HR Podcast: Life and Work on Your Terms
Unleashing Human Potential with the Science of Scalar Light
Prepare to have your understanding of the universe challenged as we invite Tom Palladino to share his groundbreaking work on scalar energy. Imagine a world where non-physical intelligence is harnessed to reshape health, technology, and our everyday lives. Tom, a pioneer in the realm of scalar light, takes us through the potential of this fundamental force from celestial bodies. From altering pathogens and brain waves to the transmission of nutrients, we're uncovering a holistic approach to healing that encompasses the soul, mind, and body. It's not just a conversation; it's an exploration of possibilities that could redefine human advancement.
This episode will fascinate you as we investigate the unseen forces at play in our daily interactions, from non-verbal communication to the profound effects of intuition and empathy. Reflecting on the legacy of Nikola Tesla, we consider the fascinating implications of engaging with a person's aura and the power of meditation and energy healing. Our journey extends into the practical applications of scalar energy, discussing its capacity to improve workplace dynamics and enhance well-being. As we share personal experiences and scientific insights, discover how scalar energy might be the key to unlocking a revolution not just in technology, but in the way we approach life itself.
Rebel HR is a podcast for HR professionals and leaders of people who are ready to make some disruption in the world of work. Please connect to continue the conversation!
This is the Rebel HR podcast, the podcast about all things innovation in the people's space. I'm Kyle Rode. Let's start the show. Welcome back, rebel community. This is going to be a really, really interesting conversation. I cannot wait to dig in with us. Today we have Tom Palladino. Tom is a scalar light researcher and we are going to be talking all about something that we don't necessarily fully understand and how we can leverage that to help humanity. So listen up, this is going to be a fun experience, tom, welcome to the podcast.
Speaker 1:Thanks for the invite, Kyle.
Speaker 2:Thank you Absolutely Well. I'm thrilled to have you and you know, I think, on a purely selfish level, I just want to understand what this is, because you know for me, I think there's so much exciting research that's happening out there in the field of all aspects that we're just starting to scratch the surface on, and this is an area that is brand new to me, and so I'd like to really dig in and understand it, and understand it from the context of me personally and ultimately, as you said before we hit record how we can use this to help humanity and help our performance. So let's start really, really basic what is scalar light and why is that something that you have chosen to research?
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's define our term. Scalar light is the light of the sun and the stars. Why is that important? It is the light that animates the universe. If you look at nature, nature begins with a cause. The cause is always light, and that light originates from the sun and the stars. So I am looking at the origination of nature. I'm looking at the first cause of nature light energy. Now, if we can in some way harness that energy scalar light we now have, if you will, a new avenue to approach our discovery of nature. So I have taken that approach. Why have I done that? It's a first cause. I'm working at the top, not at the bottom. I want to be in control of nature. That's what scalar energy affords. This is not a chemical process. This is something much more refined. It's non-physical intelligence. I would much rather work at the level of non-physical intelligence than have to work with elements and protons and, if you will, chemicals. I want to work, I want to be in the driver's seat of nature. That's energy, that's scalar energy.
Speaker 2:So, again, I just love this topic. So it's fascinating to me that this impacts all of us on an on an energetic level in some way, shape or form. I, like, I, I think we all know that this is like an established fact, right? I mean, you know, and if you go all the way back to, like carl sagan, we are star stuff, right? So you can't tell me that, like the, the way that that our molecular structure was created is not impacted by these, by the energy of the universe, right, correct? And I think a lot of people are going to be like Kyle, you're getting woo, woo already. What do you think? But, but but I do think, intuitively, we understand that there is some level of impact and we've labeled it a lot of different things.
Speaker 2:We were talking about this before we hit record. I think the challenge is it's hard for us to wrap our arms around it because we haven't necessarily fit it into a scientific box yet, like we can't necessarily measure it. You can't go to the doctor and get the same way you get a blood, you get a blood pressure, you know, check, figure out, okay, well, how's, how are my scalar light levels, you know, or, and things like that. So so, as you approach your research and as you approach this topic in general, how do you approach that question of, of how to actually research this, and and, and, and and really help this become something that we can start to get our head wrapped around?
Speaker 1:Okay. So to expand upon that thought, what are we dealing with? It's intelligence. Scalar energy is intelligence. It's non-physical.
Speaker 1:All of my work involves working with non-physical intelligence. Now why is that important? Well, if I can work with non-physical intelligence, now why is that important? Well, if I can work with non-physical intelligence, then I'm in, if you will, in the command center. I have the ability to instruct nature, and that's what my instrument has allowed me to do over the years. I have a scalar energy instrument that allows me to instruct nature, and when I do that, I have a command over pathogens. I have a command over brain waves. I have a command to the point that I can send the energy of a nutrient into a person.
Speaker 1:So, by working at the level of intelligence, not at the chemical level, we, if you will, transcend time and space. We're not at the chemical level, so we don't have to worry about a biological function. We work at the level of intelligence instructions. It's a different level, a different level, and in so doing, we're allowed to have this control to produce what I consider healing of soul, mind and body. It's a unique approach, but I want to inculcate this I am not working at the biochemical level. I do not work with the medical community. I've developed a new branch of physics in which we work with energy fields. Energy fields are non-physical. All of my work is non-physical and we'll get into that, but it's a new branch of physics that I've discovered, so I'm not following any, if you will, pro forma science. I am at the vanguard of this new science.
Speaker 2:So I think this is, you know, what's fascinating about this to me is the fact that what you're doing is very similar to what human beings are trying to do every day. Right, we're trying to impact others and, whether we call it like an energy field, or you know, or emotions, or you know, motivate somebody or incentivize somebody, or impact somebody in a positive way or a negative way, you know, I think, and we throw around these terms like high frequency, low frequency, right, or somebody's got, like you know, somebody's got a rain cloud or there's, you know, sunshines and rainbows. I think, again, intuitively, we know that everybody's got this kind of like energy field or this presence about them field or this presence about them. Yes, um, and we've tried to, I think some, I think some theories of thought have tried to like, apply scientific logic to this, right, like there's, uh, you know it's well, it's hormonal, it's endorphins or it's, you know it's serotonin or whatever it's dopamine, it's, but but there is research that shows that these energy fields exist.
Speaker 2:We know they exist, um, so, so, so I I think maybe I'll pause there, because I think it'd be, it'd be helpful for you to kind of to further define how we can think about this because I actually think, as I think, think about my job specifically as a leader, as a humanistic profession. A lot of my job is trying to understand how people are feeling, what the energy in the workplace is, what the energy in my personal life and my personal relationships are, and ultimately trying to make that a more positive experience and ultimately trying to make that a more positive experience. So maybe we should take a step back and just kind of help us understand a little bit more about these energy fields and how we should be thinking about these. That's maybe unconventional that we really don't have the science around yet, because this is a new, novel field of physics.
Speaker 1:Well, you described it already. Many times we try and persuade people, we try and incentivize people. Many times we speak about having a good day, not a bad day. Those are instructions, and that's what scalar energy is. This is intelligence. This is non-physical instructions. Intelligence Now, some people might want to call that consciousness instructions intelligence Now, some people might want to call that consciousness.
Speaker 1:So what I've developed are instruments that can control that type of energy. It does not have an electron. There's no protons. So imagine an energy that's non-physical instructions, not a stream of electrons. This is not electricity. There's no magnetic flux, electrons this is not electricity. There's no magnetic flux. This is non-physical instructions.
Speaker 1:Now, with that in mind, I believe that this energy is at the apex. It's, if you will, responsible for all design in the universe, whether it's human thought or the periodic table, whether this is a home that's built out of materials or whether this is your heartbeat. Everything has to have instructions intelligence, scalar intelligence, is responsible for all formation of physical forms. Scalar energy, scalar light, is responsible for human thought, for human feelings. There has to be an intelligence that supports all activity. This is my contention. Scalar energy is that all-pervading intelligence some people call it consciousness that instructs everything.
Speaker 1:Now, from your perspective, working in human resources, the way people think, the way people feel, that's what they bring to the workplace, that's what they bring from their home to the workplace and vice versa, and there's a credence to that that gives great credence to my work. A thought is scalar energy. An emotion is scalar energy. It's some type of intelligence, some type of instructions, and it could be, if you will, favorable or unfavorable, depending on the projection and what the intended outcome is. So when I work with this energy, to be very clear, I have tapped into the life force of the universe, the intelligence of the universe, and these instruments behind me. They behave like stars. These are miniature stars. This instrument is so powerful it can send non-physical intelligence into a light bulb and illuminate it. Now, that's without any physical connection. Why it's non-physical intelligence that's illuminating that light bulb?
Speaker 2:So if anybody sorry I'm going to pause there, if you're listening to this what he has done, he's got a. It's not an incandescent light bulb, what's the term?
Speaker 1:It's like a swirly looking light bulb, like a fluorescent.
Speaker 2:Yeah, fluorescent light. And he's holding it by the instrument and it just lights up. He's not plugging it in. He's not plugging it in, he's not doing anything, he's just literally holding it next to it and there is an energetic field that's lighting it up.
Speaker 1:Okay, so intelligence has gone into my light bulb to animate it. Now that identical animation is what drives thinking, that drives emotions. And can I prove that? Yes, by virtue of the fact that my instrument works hand-in-hand with nature. What do I mean?
Speaker 1:A thought is non-physical information. Scalar energy is non-physical information. A thought transcends time and space. You cannot stop scalar energy. You cannot stop a thought, a thought.
Speaker 1:So when I'm working with this energy, it is at the speed of thought. This energy acts like thought. Scalar energy is the cause of thought, it's the cause of thinking, it's the cause of emotions. So again, there's some intelligence behind everything in the universe, including thinking and feeling. Now, many times when I work with this instrument, people say that their feelings are elevated.
Speaker 1:Now, mind you, I'm not a psychologist and I don't have training per se in the medical field. That's not my specialty. My specialty is scalar energy. So how is it that an instrument that controls scalar energy can make people happier? Because we're all working within the fabric of intelligence, of consciousness. So my instrument is projecting intelligence into the mind, into the spirit, into the soul, and that is elevating people's mood. That's sometimes even going as far as to correcting their depression or correcting a drug addiction. All of that is by way of corrective intelligence and, mind you, there's no, if you will influence on my part. I do not influence this energy, I simply have an instrument that can perform that function. So there's no human intervention, there's no human reasoning with my work. So, bringing it down to the fabric of science, pure science, without any human input, I'm following the laws of science with an engineered instrument that follows the immutable laws of science. That's producing a favorable outcome. That's why I like my work.
Speaker 2:Fascinating. Okay, so I'm a little bit mind-blown. So do you have to like, is it a proximity thing? Like you get close to it and then immediately you feel a difference in the energetic?
Speaker 1:Yes, that's correct, just how your mind works.
Speaker 2:That's what the people are reporting. That's correct.
Speaker 1:That's correct Now in order for me to work with this instrument, I've devised a technique in which I can work with people anywhere in the world through their photograph. I'm going to hold up my photograph. I'm going to explain. My photograph is an energy field. It has a scalar energy force field or a scalar energy signature. I never work with people. Why? People are the biological elements self. People are, if you will, the chemical self.
Speaker 1:I don't work with people. I work with a force field, an aura or an energy field. So we keep it at the non-physical level of aura or spirit. So what's the point? A person's energy field is on a photograph. That piece of paper now has embedded, encoded on it, my energy field, and this is what I access. This is the new realm of science scalar science that is non-local. We can access a person's energy field anywhere and I'm doing so with people who send me, email me photographs from halfway around the world. So this gives the notion to bilocation, or this gives the notion to the ability to quantum tunnel, or the notion to teleport. Now our thoughts teleport, right, our thoughts can travel across the universe in a flash. Well, why can't my thought pattern, why can't my energy field on a photograph travel in a flash to my laboratory. It does, it does.
Speaker 2:Huh, and now you're really blowing my mind, because now I'm thinking like, well, wait a minute. Yeah, so once you remove the physical requirement, now it's a totally different way to think about it. Right, it doesn't matter where you are Exactly Now go's a totally different way to think about it right.
Speaker 1:It doesn't matter where you are Exactly. Now go back to thought. When we think, thought is nonphysical, I don't care if you're on the moon or you're in a submarine in the ocean. A thought transcends time and space. Nothing can impede a thought. It's the supreme force of the universe. So why can't I access the thought pattern or the energy field? Thought is an energy field on my photograph. So we're not working at the chemical level. We're working at the non-physical level of intelligence, consciousness which transcends time and space, which is the level of thought, the level of intuition, the level of prayer, the level of consciousness. This is the new physics. We're leaving behind the brick and mortar. Now, I'm not against the physical universe. It has its purpose. I prefer to work in the non-physical universe, the universe of intelligence I prefer to work in the non-physical universe, the universe of intelligence, fascinating.
Speaker 2:I think it's a great example of the opportunity for us to expand our times.
Speaker 2:We attribute that to kind of to like non-verbal cues right like I can't remember, I'll get the research quoted wrong, but you know something like more than 90 percent of all communication is not right, you know, and that's why that's why we all like these video.
Speaker 2:You know, video calls ad nauseum, um, and you know, that's, that's why it's much richer to have a, you know, even a conversation over the phone. But but if you remove the physical aspect, I would argue that especially many of us that would be considered empathetic or or are fairly intuitive as it relates to how others are, are feeling or interacting with the world, we kind of have a general sense and understanding of how people are feeling and how people are reacting, without seeing them physically or without being in the same space that they are. And I think you're kind of tapping into I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface here tapping into the fact that this intelligence is important to understand and it is real in that sense. We just haven't necessarily defined it in that way, right, we've tried to fit it into the scientific box and measurements that we have in the physical world that we can observe right.
Speaker 1:Thank you, yes, and I would concur with that. So again to the audience this is a new science. I don't expect people to understand this. This is groundbreaking to the audience. This is a new science. I don't expect people to understand this. This is groundbreaking research.
Speaker 1:Nikola Tesla was one of the few men to ever harness this energy. And again, it's not electromagnetic. So we have to start, if you will, at the basement here. We have to build a foundational understanding of this science. We have to build a foundational understanding of this science. It's very real. This instrument tells me it's real. My predecessors who've worked with this energy said that, yes, they had favorable results. Also, and keep in mind, we're working through the interface of force fields. Right, this instrument is not designed to work with people. It's not a physical instrument. The instrument is only designed to work with non-physical force fields. So I only work with a photograph. Now, once we understand the science, then we can develop some type of theories around this. Why is it that I can access a person's aura or a person's force field on a photograph? My explanation is that scalar energy is everywhere, including being imprinted, being embedded upon a photograph, but that comes for another discussion.
Speaker 2:Interesting, yeah, fascinating, yeah, it's interesting, you know, I think so, maybe, to go on like a little bit of a personal, you know, personal tangent, you know, for me personally, I think you know this is one of those things that you know, a couple of years ago I would have been like this doesn't sound real, right, you know? And to the listeners out there that are that are thinking that, like, I think that's a totally valid reaction because it, if you haven't experienced something that's almost like unexplainable, that's that's a perfectly logical reaction to this, right, but you know, I will, I will tell everybody that, like, on a personal level, um, I mean, a number of years ago I was, I was really approaching burnout in my job and I was just, you know, frustrated and struggling and started, at the, the urging of one of my podcast guests, I started doing Medicaid meditation, um, and started started to, uh, you know, kind of investigate things like energy healing and some of these things that just in the Western world, were just like woo-woo weird. And I will tell everybody like it worked, like in a really way, like I was able to, like you can get like energetic responses in your body by focusing thoughts and intelligence in certain asks. Like it, like there is an, there is an energetic field that you can, you can manipulate if you think about something specifically right, like it's real, it does exist. And if you don't believe me, I would just encourage you, take like 30 minutes and go down the rabbit hole and try it for yourself, and then I want an email back and you can tell me if you felt something or not. And if not, I want to know because, because I it does exist and and I, I think to you, know, to, to maybe you know, articulate a story that I tell quite a bit.
Speaker 2:Um, you know, I, every once in a while, I get what I call truth bumps and it's like these little like, it's like this energetic feeling on the back of my neck and it's like the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. And it happens when I'm listening to an extremely, uh, extremely moving piece of music, or or, or I am having a conversation that is really, really impactful, and then I have to do something with, and every time I've listened to that intuition is really, really impactful and that I have to do something with, and every time I've listened to that intuition, something good has happened. And and I can't explain it. I have no, I have no mechanism to explain it, other than it's worked, if I've listened, and and I think, I think that's that's what we're talking about here, right, and and so I would just encourage everybody maintain an open mind, let's keep going, so. So I'm curious. I'm curious.
Speaker 2:So you know, we've talked about this being non-physical. We've talked about it. Really, you know kind of where it originates, um, it, and what I think we're really kind of tapping in on, and what I'm hearing is that we're really kind of talking about, like, divine energy. Yes, it is, it's from god, the thing that human beings have been trying to explain, and we call it it's, we call it spirituality there's a lot of different names for it but we're talking about, you know, something that is a little bit beyond, I think, explanation at this point, at least with our current understanding of the world, and so so, as you're scratching the surface of this, this kind of this new field, how are you approaching that challenge where there's really not a vocabulary for this yet there's really not a mechanism for us to explain it? Like, oh yeah, my scalar level is nine on a 15-point scale. It doesn't exist. So how do you approach that and how do we use this to interact?
Speaker 1:with the physical world, despite it not being a physical energy.
Speaker 1:Let's use this analogy A hundred years ago, before computers, if you said that you had a mouse on your table, on your desk, that would refer to a rodent. Well, we realized that this new vocabulary. Everybody has a mouse now in their home, a number of computers, and hence there's a mouse probably in every room of the house. A mouse probably in every room of the house. So the new vocabulary that has been used for computers is indeed of its own idiomatic guidelines. You're right, we need a new vocabulary here. It's a new science. We need a new vocabulary.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to establish that when you're at the vanguard of a movement, you have to be very careful and you have to use a vocabulary that people understand. And I keep explaining it. I write articles and I hold podcasts and I tell people this is what I've discovered. Will I be the only one who's contributing to this field? No, no, it will demand the attention of the world. I will go out on a limb and I'll say that scalar energy someday will replace electricity it's free energy, why not? That scalar energy someday will be an industry as big as a computer industry. That scalar energy is the technology of the future and that millions of people, billions of people, will eventually be impacted by scalar energy.
Speaker 2:Fascinating, fascinating. So I'm curious. So you know the, the, I think for those of us that are, you know, kind of intrigued by this and interested in, in, in just kind of curious to learn more, are also interested in how we can kind of practically utilize this intelligence in our in our day-to-day life. So so, now that we know that this exists and there's many, you know, maybe much more to research, I think sounds like you've got plenty of work available. As a researcher I do. How do we use this? How do we leverage this within our day-to-day kind of practical world that we live in?
Speaker 1:You do that every day with HR. Now, a person's attitude, a person's feelings okay, they bring that to the workplace. That's scalar energy. And a lot of people don't realize the way they think, the way they feel, will not only dictate the office policy or the work environment or their home environment. It dictates their life.
Speaker 1:There are some people who go through life and the ups and downs of life. They can take it and roll with the punches, so to speak, but they're of good cheer, they have good, positive thoughts, they have good, positive feelings. Now the counter to that would be people who are always negative. The converse of that would be people who have only poor things to say about humanity or really are of a very negative attitude towards not only themselves but their fellow man. That in and of itself is scalar energy being used incorrectly. So keep in mind if this is thought, scalar light, scalar energy, thought and feelings, then the way we think, the way we feel, dictates our reality.
Speaker 1:Now the scientific, if you will, analog to that is a scalar energy instrument. I can use this instrument appropriately and the outcome is people are happier, some people, their depression is lifted. So when I go to my office place and I'm practicing good HR policy right. I always use my instrument positively to uplift the human experience, to balance the chakras. I have the instrument calibrated so it can look for viruses and it can eradicate viruses. So all of my work is positive with this instrument and the outcome is positive. So I have a favorable laboratory and I have a favorable communication with people around the world. So my cottage industry is now becoming a global industry because I'm sending those instructions to the soul, mind and body of people. This is an example of appropriate HR policy and how HR policy will leave this laboratory and will have immediate effect upon everybody in this corporate structure.
Speaker 2:Only good vibes. Yes, that's it. It's funny Again, like going back to like, like this intuitively makes perfect sense and I think we can all like, without having the instruments, you know, within our proximity. We can all point to the situations and interactions where there's been a good policy. People are like thumbs up all the way and there's been a bad policy, and it's like a dark cloud rolling across an organization, right, or a good message that you send and everybody's like cheering.
Speaker 2:Or a bad message you send and it's like uh, you know, go put on your bulletproof vest and get ready to take some punches and um, but I think what's what's fascinating is it's, it's, it's again, it's intuitively understood. Um, yes, it is, but if we can harness it in the right way, it could be really, really powerful. Maybe I'm extrapolating here a little bit and maybe, you know, maybe this is a an unfair leap of logic, but I also feel like this makes sense why people with positive attitudes generally have better health outcomes generally have better health outcomes, yes, or why optimists generally have more success in the world of business.
Speaker 2:Right Like to me, it's starting to kind of maybe put a little bit of science behind some of these things that we don't necessarily have a clear explanation for but have kind of an intuitive understanding of.
Speaker 1:Thank you, I agree with that. I agree with that. The way we think, the way we feel, that's the world that we create, not only for ourselves but for those around us. You know, in our organization I tell everybody I want you to go about your affairs on a daily basis, be happy, don't let anything get you down. Be very realistic. We have very realistic goals, very realistic. We don't live pie in the sky. None of us are quixotic and because of that we're happy. We have a clean workplace, we have a happy workplace. I don't allow gossiping. We all have goals. At the end of the day we meet those goals and then we shut the lights off, so to speak, and we go home to our families. And that's my HR policy, because what I do in my laboratory, I extrapolate that into the workplace. This is how society should be. You do your best, you avoid politics If you fight. Anytime you start fighting, I don't care if it's a corporation, a marriage or a nation. You're doomed. You're doomed.
Speaker 2:Internecine warfare will doom any society. Yeah, on the individual level, or the government level, right or national level Fascinating, I mean. So I know we're just, we are just barely scratching the surface here, but I want to be mindful of your time, so I would just, you know, maybe a little bit of a call out to the listeners. So for those of us, those of you, that hung out with us and just kind of listened with an open mind and a curious mind that's the way that I approach this discussion, curious mind, that's that's the the way that I approach this discussion I just, I was just fascinated to learn a little bit more, because I do think, I think there's tenants of what we discussed that make a whole lot of sense in the world of work that we live within, as well as within our personal lives.
Speaker 2:So a couple of things that, just just for the listeners, that Tom has has offered. So he is, he's offering 15 days of free scalar light sessions for the audience. So if you're curious to try it out, um, you know, from my standpoint, no harm, uh, no foul, all right. So 15 days free sounds, sounds pretty great. Uh, the website is wwwscalarlightcom, it's s-c-a-l-a-r-l-i-g-h-tcom and we'll have that in the podcast show notes. Pop it open and feel free to click right in With that time. I'm fascinated to hear your response to the flash round questions, are you?
Speaker 1:ready.
Speaker 2:Let's go ahead. All right, here we go. Question number one where do we need to rebel?
Speaker 1:Oh okay, anything that's wrong. We I want to. I want to work hand in hand. I don't want to bring down society, but when you see a problem, correct it. It's that simple. We don't need to fight, just correct it. I have problems in my life, in my business, I have problems sometimes With friends. I just I correct it and we move on. I don't make a mountain out of a molehole.
Speaker 2:Boy, if everybody in our organization Heard advice and followed that, that'd be wonderful. That would put me out of a job, but I'd be okay with that, I get that. All right. Question number two who should we be listening to People?
Speaker 1:that have our best interests at heart. You want to take advice from friends and family who care about you, and there are manipulators out there, and I think most people are keen to that and they're able to pinpoint people who manipulate. Because if that's the case, you don't want to take advice from somebody who's self-serving. So find somebody who's not selfish, somebody a friend or a family member that really sees to your advantage, and work with that person. And remember one improvement is monumental, because one improvement sets up the next improvement, sets up the third improvement. So just try and take baby steps in life, but continue to move forward. This is all that I've ever done with my research. I have two or three goals every day and I meet them, and by doing that I have tremendous work output day after day, week after week, year after year. So, whatever you're calling, whatever your station in life, surround yourself with good people, take baby steps, try and make reasonable improvements in your life.
Speaker 2:Love it, love it. Great advice. Final question here we already talked about the website. How can our listeners connect with you in other ways and learn more?
Speaker 1:You know the website is the focal point scalarlightcom. I want you to consider signing up for the 15 days of free sessions in which, on a daily basis, I take your photograph and I submit it to the scalar waves in which will balance your chakras. We have another program, the second program, in which we will take photographs of microbes, scan you for microbes, viruses and eliminate those microbes. And then the third policy we have on a daily basis now we take vitamins and we download vitamins into your force field, such as vitamin, minerals, antioxidants. So it's all done through the photographic force field. Try the free sessions, please.
Speaker 2:Cool Sounds good. Again, we'll have that information in the show notes. Check it out, tom. Thanks for sharing your research with us and expanding our perspective, because I think, if anything, this conversation has been eye-opening for me, even in how I define some of the work that I do. So it is not part of the physical world and that's, I think, for me, the takeaway is check my bias for the vocabulary that I use in how I interact with the world. So thank you for that.
Speaker 1:Good for you. I agree. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Awesome. All right, Tom. Well, hey, have a great rest of your day and again, thank you so much. Open up your podcast player. Click in if you want to learn more and check out the free sessions. Thanks, Tom. All right, that does it for the Rebel HR podcast. Big thank you to our guests. Follow us on Facebook at Rebel HR Podcast, Twitter at Rebel HRHRGuy, or see our website at RebelHumanResourcescom. The views and opinions expressed by RebelHR Podcast are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any of the organizations that we represent. No animals were harmed during the filming of this podcast.
Speaker 1:Baby.